Monday, October 21, 2013

11 Months and a Wish List

Another month has gone by and Little Man is now 11 whole months old... sniff, sniff.  Can't believe it has gone by so fast.  We've packed in so much in this short time its just crazy!  Here are some pictures from our 11 month mark.  We took these right before bed, so he is a bit more active than typical, but that just gives you a more realistic view of our day to day :)

As we near the big 1 year mark I've been asked several times by family what the Little Man would like for his birthday.  So rather than telling you each individually, we made a Wish List on Amazon as sort of a guide for what Little Man wants/needs :)  If this works well, we may do the same thing for Christmas!  Let us know what you think!

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Great Pumpkin

We had the best weekend!  It was absolutely gorgeous for starters!  Saturday morning we went to the Artifact Sale here in Lawrence. Let me tell you if you are in to the shabby sheek look that's so popular today, you would love this!  It is a group of girls who gather items throughout the year and they update some and leave others as is, then they stage it in their back yard so that you instantly fall in love with EVERY. THING.  They only have the sale a few times a year but you should check then out on Facebook - the post when their sale is on Fb!
After that sale we went to North Lawrence, i had heard there were some good antique/shabby sheek stores over there.  We just happened to be in the right place at the right time! All the stores were open thus weekend, apparently some are only open once a month!  The great thing is that they all are getting new items weekly, so I'll definitely be making more trips to North Lawrence!  Here are a few items we picked up...

We also found a new buffet for my mom!  It's gorgeous and these pictures don't do it justice!!

After our antiquing adventure, we went with Gma and Gpa Robinson to Shaake's Pumpkin Patch. We had a blast there then decided to stop by Pendleton's as none of us had been there. They had a little pumpkin patch as well, a fence maze - husband dominated this - and a huge bin full of corn kernels.  Naturally, Reid interpreted this as an opportunity to shovel handfuls of germ infested corn into his mouth... Awesome.  Next we happened upon an apple orchard, so if course we stopped and picked our own apples and got some apple cider both of which are delicious!!

Picking apples

 This picture melts my heart!

He promptly threw the pumpkin after this picture!

Up, up, and away

Once we got home we found a may unwanted visitor...  He keeps disappearing so we haven't gotten rid of him yet...
Momma don't do snakes!

Lastly here is a little video the Husband made!
Been having issues with the video, if you don't see it below then use this link...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10 Months and Counting

So I've been a terrible blogger, not just lately but pretty much the last 18 months... Oops.  Since Little Man was born it's been really hard to find the energy/time to round up all my pictures and post them.  I keep telling myself I'll do a better job but again another month has gone by without a post!  I guess time really does fly when you're having fun!  
We'veWe've been super busy enjoying our new basement and doing small projects here and there for the basement and upstairs.  We've also been living it up this fall with the Little Man.  Grandpa and Grammie Boone and Uncle Jordan where here a few weeks ago and we went to his first Pumpkin Patch!  He made it through the entire corn maze and picked out a pumpkin and even had a few bites of an Apple Cider Doughnut - YUM!!  The night before the pumpkin patch, we went to his first Royals Game with Aunt Dina and (soon to be :) Uncle Tray!!  Oh yes, he put a ring on it!!!!  We are so excited to OFFICIALLY welcome Uncle Tray to the family August 2, 2014 - can't wait!  This weekend we have another big weekend - Homecoming for Eudora Football on Friday, a wedding reception on Saturday and then Sunday I get to go with Randine and Doris to a Bridal Fair!!  There is also a tour of the Kaw Valley Farms Saturday and Sunday that I was hoping to do but we'll see if we can fit that in!!  Meanwhile enjoy some pictures from our last month or so!

Helping mom clean her dishwasher

Climbing the stairs... yikes!

Fighting crime - or something like that...


Our little helper during projects!

 Mr. Blue Eyes up close and personal

 This is how we started our 10 month pictures...

Once I let him roam he was totally fine!
 Grumpy?!  Who's grumpy??

 B was no help at all!

Give the kid a cord and he is a HAPPY CAMPER!

Showing off his skills

I love those rolls, my heart is sad knowing that they will soon disappear!

 He's finally figured out how to turn the walker around so he can go back the other direction and this is a new favorite activity!!

Take two...

That's more like it!

Yeah, I'm exhausted after all that too!

Here is a little video the husband made from the Pumpkin Patch!