Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Projects, projects, projects

We've been busy bees around here!  The Husband had a student make him a desk... last year.  Apparently this kid was super on top of things since he the wood shop teacher (Mr. T) just finished it a few weeks ago.  Better late than never I guess.  We picked up the desk 2 weeks ago and it has since been sitting in our living room - taking up Miss B's spot for her bed - don't worry she never sleeps there anyway.  We finally dragged it out to the garage and stained it this weekend.

Here are a few pics of the action and the very annoyed Husband :)

 I wore gloves and it still ruined my hands!

Miss B was feeling neglected, so she moped around on the bed - while basking in the sun.  She looks so deprived doesn't she...

I've also been busy on Pinterest!  I'm sure you all have been into this for a while now, but sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake!  I found a super cute table that I'm in the process of making.
We picked up the shutters at the ReStore shop for $5 each, my goal is to come in under $40.  Not quite sure where it is going yet, but I'm very excited!  I picked out some paint last night - we went with Martha Stewart's Sea Glass.  Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to finish it off.  Hope you are all having a great week - Happy Hump Day!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

And I'm Back

Well I've been on an unexpected blogging hiatus!  Due in part to me being lazy and being somewhat busy since Christmas - eh who are we kidding, mostly because I was lazy!  Kinda like how I never got around to mailing out Christmas cards this year... or New Years cards - which were my back up if I didn't get to the Christmas cards.  Eh well, it happens to the best of us!
So to catch ya'll up I've put together a few - WAY TOO MANY - pictures to recap what all we've been up to since I last visited you all!  Here goes:
We've snuggled

 Celebrated my co-worker's 40th b-day - I've been warned for my 30th in a few years! (ps I don't think I like saying my 30th, that's just weird!)

I made a cake for this little gal's 2nd B-day.  

We had a minor fiasco when they got to the highway and the cake fell over!  They came right back and we put her back together no problem though! 

We got fireplace doors finally!  Thanks Bill and Doris!

Much better!  We finally look somewhat finished!

 Made some Christmas goodies:

Can't go wrong with chocolate, peanuts and butterscotch!

Our Pre-Christmas Eve snacks

Wrapped some gifts...

Made the bows out of old magazines - LOVE PINTEREST!!

 We made it back to the GB for Christmas and took part in some Nerf war action

Opened gifts

Took naps - lots of naps 

 Opened more gifts - this must have been a good one!

 Had a photo shoot...

 Attempted to get that picture for the Christmas New Years Cards I never sent out...

This would have been my pic!

Did some serious organizing
This was all in the bathroom closet...

Still going...

And here was my drawer :-/

Now everything is labeled and in it's place!

I found so many extras and fun stuff - I should clean/organize more often!

 My favorite project this year has been redoing my mantle!  It still isn't quite finished as I haven't found all the accent pieces yet but it is close!

 Key from our first place (guest house)

 Our wedding theme inspiration...

Two of my faves...

Whew!  Hopefully you're still with us after all that!
Have a great week and I'll try to make a more regular appearance here!