Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lunch-Time Surprise

We let Miss B roam the house for the most part during the day.  This is fairly safe as she pretty much doesn't leave our bed the whole day!  Today however she must have been restless as I know we made the bed before leaving the house...
HI MOM!  I'm so glad you're home for lunch!!

Oh... you meant to make your bed??  Why?

I love you mom - do you forgive me?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sad Face

I have no good stories of a great come back
Instead all I have is a story of DEFEAT :(
To add salt to the wound - this is what is happening outside right now:


The Suspense is KILLING ME!!!!

It's half time of the KU-VCU game. 
I'm scared.  
Like really REALLY SCARED!  
I don't like this one bit -
As you can see, Miss Bailey is concerned as well.
Despite being scared, I still have faith in our boys of Red & Blue!
They WILL have a better second half (or else!)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Our actual anniversary isn't until June 2nd, but the husband has had something in the works for a while now.  Then this last week, he was acting really fishy sneaking around on his computer then randomly leaving the house at 9:00 to 'run an errand'.  Wouldn't tell me what/where he was going, so I knew something was up.  For a minute I thought I had forgotten some significant event - so I went through birthdays, anniversaries and such through my head, but the only important events in March are my Dad's B-Day and March Madness (Go KU!!) - sorry if I left anyone out!  So I was a little stumped.  He got back about 30 min later empty handed and went straight to the office - where I was NOT allowed!  10 min went by and he made a mad dash to front door - again no discussion of his destination.  I was truly clueless at this point, so I took a shower and when I got out, there was a giant box wrapped - in Christmas paper :) - by the TV.  He finally broke the silence telling me it was my anniversary present, but I couldn't open yet - I would get to open it before June 2nd, but just not yet.  HELLO?!  I can't take the suspense!!!  So I kept pleading to open it now - since I'm extremely impatient & can't handle NOT knowing!
Finally he compromised with if I wrote down what I thought it was then he MIGHT let me open it today.  I really had ABSOLUTELY no idea what it could be since the box was rather large.  So I thought about things I've said it would be nice to have over the last few months.  The only thing I could think of was a fancy camera - so I put it down despite the giant box.  He looked at it in the other room and just laughed - crushing any small glimmer of hope that I might be right.  So it was back to square one - No Clue - and to top it off, he said I couldn't open it that night - pretty raw deal if  you ask me!
I proceeded to grumpily (might have made that word up) get ready for bed and then he jumped up exclaiming "OKAY!  You can open it - I can't wait any longer!" Neither of has much patients with stuff like this!


Happy Wife!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Baby Liam

Nathan's sister Renelle and her husband had their first baby right before Thanksgiving this year and we hadn't been able to meet the little guy in person as they live in Texas. Nathan's family is full of teachers, so everyone happened to be on spring break this week, so baby Liam got to come visit!
Chunk of Love
He is such a good baby! Perfectly content sitting on your lap watching everyone around him!
Hello little one...
 He laughed every time Uncle Nathan said 'Yeah'
 Give me back my food!

Sorry Husband but I have to document this - Nathan Robinson requested to hold a baby! Yep that's right, the same guy that goes into a nervous cold sweat when I say the word baby. On Sundays, I will sometimes help in the nursery and he always sends me off with this encouraging phrase,"go remind yourself why you don't want kids". Yep THAT guy willingly asked to hold a baby! I'd say that is some promising progress folks! In his defense i will say he does want kids, he is just freakishly terrified of having them, but he is slowly warming up to the idea - baby steps if you will - oh I'm hilarious. Don't think I'm trying to have babies right now or anything, but I will say it's on my list of things I'd like to do in the next few years!

Do you hear that? That's the husband starting to hyperventilate after reading that last statement ;)

Bad blogger...

I wish I had some great excuse for my absence lately, but I don't I've thought about blogging, but instead I've been flat out lazy. So I have a lot to update!

Last weekend, we had our first house guests (other than fam:). Our friends from high school, Tim and Kelsie came up from Wichita. They wanted the full Lawrence experience, since they've never been in Lawrence longer than a drive through - I know, I feel sorry for them too having missed out on such a great place! ;)
 So of course, we started the weekend by finishing the KU game at our house. Then we headed downtown for some margaritas and mexican food - yumm! Next we headed to the Barrel House - probably our fav bar in Lawrence. (Keep in mind we only 'go out' when we have company.) Anyways, it is a dueling piano bar, the Husband enjoys challenging their knowledge by requesting random songs from the 80's and 90's. Very entertaining!

Saturday was a day full of golf. In the morning, the Husband's played disc golf while Kelsie and I took Miss Bailey on a walk then headed downtown to find Kelsie a KU shirt :) After lunch we headed to DeSoto to what we will call an 'interesting' golf course. Basically, every time you teed off, you were hitting the ball at the group behind you - yeah, that makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, it was FREEZING and the sun refused to come out!  The best part of golfing was watching Nathan hit attempt to hit the ball along the tree line. Keep in mind he isn't a golfer, so he was using Tim's clubs which are about 2 inches too short. He hit tried to hit the ball about 7 times in a row, but by the 6th hit attempt, he was further back than where he started. He could hear us laughing so hard we were crying, so he kept yelling at us to stop which only made us laugh louder and cry more! Oh so much fun - sorry it was at your expense hubbs :)

Sorry my computer is being SUPER cool and it won't let me rotate the pictures...
Here are some of the better shots of the day...

The sun finally peeped through around dinner, so we grilled at home and watched the KU game for dinner. Then we played more golf - SkipBo Golf that is.
 While the boys enjoyed some whiskey drinks, I concocted a delightful rum drink. Tasted just like wedding punch! Unfortunately a little too much like punch as I don't remember much else about the night other than making a McD's run at some point and getting our pic taken while there, so I'd say we had fun!
Sunday we headed to Free State Brewery for lunch before they headed back to Wichita. We had a GREAT weekend and can't wait to head to Wichita to see their new house! Too bad we don't live closer!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

She Thinks She's Human...

She Gives Hugs...

 She wears a coat...

She prefers to sleep on a pillow... 

She likes to exercise...

She likes to warm up by the fire...

She likes to play hide'n'seek... found you dad!

She smiles... 

Yeah she's pretty much our child :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Skate Party

At 26 years of age, the one birthday request my husband had was... SKATE WORLD!  So skate we did!

On Saturday, we went to Skate World in KC to celebrate the 26th birthday of the husband.  Thankfully we all came out with bones intact and few if any bruises - although there were some close calls!  Here are some action shots!
Look at those skills!

Work it Randine!

 Unfortunately there wasn't a couples skate, but we made up for that during the birthday party skate.

Sunday we got to try out the new Star Wars Pancake molds!
I opted for the chocolate chip version
Husband wanted plain - boring...
Storm Trooper, Yoda (with a growth on his cheek) & Darth Vader (w/o a mouth)
You guessed it - B for Bailey
Even Miss Bailey got in on the pancake action