Sunday, April 29, 2012

Scared Fartless

Last night it stormed as we slept.   Around 1 or 2 in the morning it started to pick up with some intense lightning and thunder.  Lightning hit a tree or light post right outside our bedroom and as lightning goes gave an extra bright flash and a deafening clash of thunder all at once.  This woke me, but what really startled me was Miss B abruptly sitting straight up and farting a deadly fart while simultaneously spinning around to see what that aweful noise/stench was behind her.  The look on her face was PRICELESS!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sympathy Preggo Dreams

Hope you are looking for a chuckle!  Here are some of my favorite preggo dreams so far.
My mom was pregnant just like in Father of the Bride II (great movie by the way!)  In the dream I was horrified and she was all giddy.  Real life reaction - mom horrified me laughing!

Husband:  Are you still pregnant?!
Wife:  Yes? Why are you asking me that?!
Husband:  I just had a really vivid dream where I asked you if it had fallen out.  At first you were sure, but then you got worried and thought that maybe it had fallen out.
Wife:  Nope pretty sure I'm still pregnant...
Husband:  Ok, just checkin!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Did you get it right?!

Well if you said something along these lines (pun intended:)...

You were right!  Don't worry we had to double check our math too - hence the 3 tests!
Come November 2012, the Robinson Household will become a little sweeter!  Baby Robinson is due on the 11th of November.  Currently Baby Robinson is the size of a kumquat (looks like a minature clementine only oblong) at 10 weeks.

Sunday, April 15, 2012