Sunday, July 31, 2011

DIY Finished!

So if you can remember way back, we found this little number (FREE) down the street earlier this summer.

 We carried it down the street and it found a new home in our backyard.  For about a month it was lonely with no chairs.  Then the Husband's parents decided to get rid of their chairs on their deck, so of course we took them off their hands (again FREE)!  They were a little sad and didn't match the table, so 3 spray cans later ($9) and wa-la!

They are a happy family of 3 - but quite uncomfortable.  So then I was on a mission to find some cheap & cute cushions = HARD NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE!  I finally found some last night that I can live with.  Not exactly what I had envisioned, but do-able.  We found them at Penny's at 2 for $50.  I still thought this was too expensive,so I decided I would look for a coupon before buying them.  At 8:30pm I found a $10 off coupon that expired yesterday, so we printed and raced there with about 5 min to spare.  Then the lady told us to go find two more items and she would take off $20 bucks!  So Baby Liam you have a new pair of shorts and a t-shirt headed your way!  After everything, we have a patio set and an outfit for Liam for a grand total of $45!

In other DIY news, our garden is doing much better - we had some nasty bugs that were eating all our veggies. Here is a bowl full of tomatoes that are all rotten :(

Today we are going to attempt to make salsa with all the grape tomatoes we have!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blamin' it on the Heat Wave

As you've noticed I haven't been all that active here lately...  I really don't feel like doing anything as a matter of fact.  I wake in the morning - and I'm hot.  I go to work - and I'm hot.  I come home - and I'm hot.  Therefore, I must do as little as possible to conserve my energy  ;)  I've always liked summers, but the older I get the less I like them.  I attribute this to not being able to spend every waking moment at the pool during the summers :(

Over the last few weeks we've been very busy despite the heat.  Renelle, Kip & Baby Liam came to visit!  They are on their way cross country to their next station.  Kip is in the army and he just finished up his Master's work in Texas - way to go Kip!  Now they are North Carolina bound.  On their way they got to spend a week in Kansas.

The first weekend Kip, Renelle, Randine and the Husband all ran a 5K together - I got out of running by working it!

Hi Liam!
Look at that form!
Stridin' Out
Workin' hard for a Living

Everyone finished it one piece and Kip even won his age division.

Look at that crew!

Baby Liam got to hang with G-mom & G-dad around the course.  Such a happy baby!

The next day we all went to the Royals Game... in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY.

Liam got to stay at Randine's apartment with G-mom due to the EXTREME HEAT!!
Uncle Nate HOLDING Baby Liam AND SMILING at the same time ;)
We had two different sets of tickets - turns out that one set was IN the DugOut!  Of course there were only 4 tickets there and the other 3 were else where.  So we decided to trade spots half way through... turns out the security guy woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day and wouldn't allow that!  So Randine, Tray, Kip & Renelle got to sit in the dug out for a while - which ended up being DIRECTLY in the sun while the Husband, Bill & I sat in the shade with a nice breeze :).  (Gotta pump up those shade seats somehow!)  Ended up everyone was sitting in the shady seats by the end of the game!
Afterwards, we all headed to get our grub on with some BBQ.  I'm not a big fan of BBQ, however when I'm hungry I'll eat about anything and I must say this was pretty good!
Liam and Uncle Nate checking out what's under the table...

Liam and Uncle Nate comparing hands faces hand to face??

The next weekend, G-mom and G-dad got to hang with Liam again the rest of the gang went to the Dinner Theater to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat - whew that was a mouth full.  I had never seen it, I think everyone else had - in fact the Husband was the Pharaoh in his High School Musical - I'm sure he would have totally shown up this guy :).  It was really good and the food wasn't too shabby either!

This week I'm helping with VBS at church.  When I agreed to do this I hadn't totally thought this through.  I start my day at around 7:30 with my last patient, then I might get a lunch hour half-hour, then I finish out the afternoon - hoping to end by 5:30, so I can stuff my face as I race across town to the church.  Then I spend the next two hours with hyped 4 & 5 year olds...  LONG DAY!  Yesterday was a little overwhelming, but today we were in a better routine, so it was much better.  Overall it's been really fun - but MAN AM I TIRED!  Apparently Miss B feels she is feeling left out...

Or maybe she is just mad...

 Hope you are all having a great week!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Poor Sweet Baby Girl

Poor, poor Bailey :(
After our visit to the spillway at the dog park last weekend, she has broken out with little bumps everywhere!

They were starting to clear up, then they got worse, so the Husband packed her up for a visit to the vet.  The doc said she was probably having an allergic reaction or else a bunch of chigger bites - both most likely due to the tall grass at the dog park she was so joyously frolicking in!  $60, a skin allergy diagnosis & some Benedryl Wal-dryl later, Sweet Miss B, is on her way to recovery.

These elements also equal a slightly loopy and tired sweet baby girl...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weekend of Festivities

I hope you all had a Great 4th!  We had a busy but fun weekend!  We kicked it off on Friday night by going to the Tour de Lawrence Race.  This is a 3 day event held around the fourth each year.  They started with sprints on Friday night which was quite exciting.  We hadn't ever been to anything like this - but it was actually very entertaining - despite the intense heat!

Saturday morning we woke up early and headed to campus for the second day which was a longer race.  We took Miss B and she got to play in The Fountain at the Guest House.  - For those of you just tuning in, we used to live in the Chancellor's Guest House (CHG) on KU campus and the driveway had a fountain at the end. - They've been remodeling the CGH, so we of course had to peek in all the windows to check it out, however there isn't much change yet.  We parked it at the Chi O fountain - bigger version of the CGH Fountain - and Miss B helped herself to a little dip, can't blame her though it was H-O-T!!!

We had heard several people talk about a waterfall out at the dog park, so a few weeks ago, we ventured out and found it and B LOVED IT!!  So we decided to head back out there on Saturday.  We didn't know how she would react to the deeper water, so we waded out with her and then some other dogs came along and she jumped right in!  On the upper portion of the waterfall, she could touch all the way across and when she would run she looked like a teeter-totter it was hilarious!

Testing things out

Nathan imitating B's high step

Teeter-Totter Run 1

Teeter-Totter Run 2


We're the Best of Friends

Nice B - way to ruin a perfect picture!  HAHA no idea what the Husband was doing!

Happy Girl!

After the dog park, we headed home to shower, then we got an invite back out to the lake, but this time to go boating with the Evan's Family!  So we ate some lunch, then headed back out to the lake.  We did a little swimming in some 'extra frothy' water...  Kinda gross, but if you cleared your area, you could keep the froth away.  Then we did some tubing and water skiing.   (pics to come!)  I attempted skiing again - getting up was no problem, but every-time, my feet would fly forward and I would get my very own lake water enema - lovely.  So I stuck with tubing most of the day. 

Sunday I couldn't really move, d/t to lack of being in shape - that tubing really did me in - sad!  After church, we headed back downtown for the last day of Tour de Lawrence.  Unfortunately it was raining of and on all morning.  We did get to see a few wipe outs, one was on their last lap and it cleared about 8 cyclists - I felt so bad for them!  Since it was raining, I took our old camera but of course the battery was dead :(

Sunday night we went to the movie 'Super 8' - was a thriller about aliens.  I thought it was going to be a super scary movie, but it ended up being a pretty good movie (and I don't really like sci-fy stuff!)  Reminded us of a cross of The Goonies & ET.   Overall a little cheesy but not bad!

Monday the Husband got up WAY too early (5:45 - crazy guy) and washed both our cars and buffed out headlights - I'll let him explain that process - he's a little obsessed with this new toy!  I was still really sore so I was trying to sleep it off :).  That afternoon we went downtown again with the Shearburn's to the Lawrence Originals Event.  It is a group of restaurants around town that get together in the park and sell small portions of their best sellers or new items on their menus.  Last year the food was much better - more variety - but it was still fun this year.  We split some nachos and a braut and I got a raspberry beer, one of my favs!
Yogi bear was there... Random... but we got our picture with him anyways!

We all went back to the park that evening to watch the Firework Show... 
I miss GB Fireworks!
All in all it was a very busy but fun weekend!
Happy 4th of July