Sunday, November 25, 2012

Our Birth Story

Our due date was on 11/11/12.  It came and went with no signs of a baby boy making his debut anytime soon.  Many people told me it was more likely that we would go later than earlier considering this is our first child, but I still held out hope despite my gut telling me that they were all right.  So each day after the 11th, I was very alert to any new movements or aches that I had.  We had a doctor appointment on the 13th and the doctor said everything was looking great and if I was comfortable then we could continue to anxiously wait.  We agreed to set up another appointment for the following Tuesday in case nothing had happened by that time.  The doctor actually set up our appointment during a surgery she had scheduled because she was that confident that we would have a baby by then!  I was starting to lose hope, so it was nice that she was so confident! :)

Thursday morning I woke up at about 2:40 with strong stomach pains.  I was quite annoyed thinking I just had to pee really bad.  So I went to the bathroom and got back in bed only to be woken up again at 3:00.  I checked the clock seeing that it had only been 20 min I was really annoyed at this point.  Reality didn't quite sink in because I went to the bathroom and got back in bed to be woken AGAIN 20 min later with more 'cramping'.  After checking the clock again I started to put it all together - I THINK I'M IN LABOR!!!!  I didn't want to jump the gun though, so I laid in bed for two more contractions before I woke up Nathan and told him, 'I think I'm in labor!'  He immediately sat up and exclaimed, 'Right now, okay, lets go!'  I told him to go back to sleep for a bit because they were still 20 min apart and I didn't want to go to the hospital too early.  He agreed and laid back down - this lasted for about 2 min.  For those of you who don't know Nathan, he doesn't sit idle very well but especially not when he is anxious.  So I laid in bed for one more contraction as the husband frantically ran around the house finishing packing the bags and making a few phone calls.  I believe the exact phrase he told my dad is "Sh*ts going down!!'  Around 4:40 I got up and took a shower and got ready for the big day.  The Husband questioned my decision to put on makeup, do my hair and wear earrings, but my thoughts were that many people were going to be up in my business so I wanted to feel somewhat pretty!  By the time I had gotten ready, the contractions were about 10 min apart.  Poor Miss B was on the FREAK OUT!  First we were up WAY too early then she saw the suitcase are literally was glued to the Husband's side in hopes that she too would be able to come!  Nathan made me a breakfast burrito while I made a PB/Banana smoothie - which took me at least 20 minutes to make because of contractions and getting side tracked.  As I reached in the freezer to get the bananas my water broke.  It wasn't the gush Nathan was hoping for but it definitely caught my attention!  As I ate my breakfast I had a little melt down.  Miss B was running back and forth from me to the Husband and I started bawling.  Nathan walked in the room and asked why I was crying and I told him I wanted to take Miss B with me and I was really really going to miss her.  I'm pretty sure he was not expecting this answer as a little bit of relief washed over his face.  About this time my parents called to check on us.  I started crying while talking to my mom - keeping the reason to myself :) - she suggested that we should head to the hospital if I was that emotional already.  I asked her to come up and she said she was packing and would be leaving within the hour!  After all that the contractions were a little more random, but closer together overall - about 5-8 minutes apart.  So we kicked it in high gear and headed to the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital around 6:45 and sat in the car for the last contraction before heading in.  Nathan also said a really sweet prayer for us which made both of us cry but really helped me get through the day!  We didn't call first - Oops!  Luckily they weren't too busy, so they casually checked us in and got us set up in the room.  She checked me and I was at 5cm - sweet, half way there!  I'm not sure what exactly we expected, but the nurse was very relaxed about everything which made Nathan and I question whether we came too early.  Looking back now I'm glad she was this way because I would have freaked out if she had been rushing around to get everything set up!  After she checked me she put me on the monitor for 20 min for baby's heart rate and contraction intensity/timing.  Once that was done I was free to move around, walk or get in the whirl pool.  We tried walking and it was okay for about 10 min.  Every time I had a contraction I felt it down my legs and just didn't feel stable, so we headed back to the room.  My favorite positions in early labor were the hands and knees or the birthing ball.  My mom arrived around 11:00, and she was so awesome!  Having her there was amazing, Nathan was able to be with me one on one the entire day while my mom ran errands, filmed, took pictures, etc.  I'm so glad she was there!!  It was so crazy because in between contractions I was completely fine, having conversations, laughing and so on.  As soon as I felt the contraction start it was like a switch was flipped and I went away to concentrate and then came back to the world when it was done.  It's amazing what our bodies are capable of!

I really felt like things were starting to get a bit more intense at this point, I was having contractions much closer together - like 2 min or right on top of each other.  I was no longer talking in between contractions and I really needed Nathan by my side at all times.  We had made a deal that I wouldn't hold his hand during labor because I might hurt him, so I settled for his knee.  I really didn't like when he tried to walk away!  They checked me again after lunch and I was at 7cm.  At this point I decided to get in the whirl pool which was AMAZING!!  I switched between the tub and the birthing ball a few times before settling in the whirl pool for a while.  They checked me again around 3:00 and I was still around 7-8cm which was really discouraging.  Nathan gave a little pep talk trying to get me out of the tub but I really didn't want to, it hurt too bad to move.  He asked if he could go check the time and I said yes.  He actually went out and talked to the doctor to see what was up.  She said that I needed to change positions to see if anything changed or they might have to start talking about pitocin -which is something I really didn't want!  Nathan came back with a nurse named Beth - aka "The Mom Whisperer".   She helped turn things around!  With her help Nathan got me out of the tub and back to the birthing ball.  After about an hour and a half, they checked me again and I was at 9cm!!  At this point I was starting to feel an urge to push with some of the contractions.  In fact with one really intense contraction I told Nathan I felt like pushing and that I was going to push - he ran out into the hall and told everyone that I was pushing, so they came back in and started to get the room ready.  I was oblivious to all of this, but Nathan said it was like an army - they put on their gowns and prepped the bed/room in no time.  She checked me one last time and said that I was still not quite at 10cm, but I could push if I felt the need - I FELT THE NEED!!  So it began!  I pushed for what felt like forever, but in reality it was only about 15 minutes.  I started with the squat bar, but instead of pushing down I was pulling myself up - I guess I was trying to run away from the pain!  My doctor talked me into sitting and pulling back on my legs which did the trick!  After 3 good pushes, I asked why he was going back in and she just smiled and said he was almost there, one more good push and I could hold the little guy!  So I gave one last push and sure enough, he came out!!  She immediately put him on my chest and let the cord continue to pulse - we got to feel the cord it was crazy!  After about 5 min the cord finally slowed down and they clamped it and Nathan got to cut it.  He said it was really gristly and actually had to take a few cuts to get through!  Everyone tells you the first time you see your child you fall in love, but you never know what they mean until you experience it.  Neither one of us could stop staring (or crying for that matter)!  He is just so perfect :)  I was able to feed him as he laid on my chest which was amazing!  While he was feeding, I had to have a few stitches as I had a Grade 1 tear - pretty sure this part was worse than the actual birth!  After he was done feeding, they put him on the scale and to my disbelief - and everyone else's' - he weighed in at 9.3 lbs and 21 inches!!  I couldn't really comprehend the fact that I had just labored for 14.5 hours and pushed out a 9.3 lb baby - with NO DRUGS!!!

Our birth was absolutely amazing.  I only had one wish going in which was to go no drugs.  I feel like I accomplished this and so much more during the entire process.  Nathan is an amazing father.  I know he was worried how he would handle all of this but he is so loving and tender with Reid it just makes me cry writing about it.  Reid has given us so much joy, we couldn't ask for a better experience.

Nathan made an amazing video of the entire process, one for us and one for the public.  I hope you enjoy his version of our birth story!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wake Up Call

I know, I was hoping that it was from baby too, but no this wake up call was from a nasty opossum along with all the dogs from the neighborhood - at FIVE A.M.  Unfortunately we didn't realize that was why Miss B needed to go out at FIVE A.M. today!  So we let her out and she continued to bark her face off for the next 2-3 hours and no matter what we tried to get her back in the house it wasn't enough to get her away from that dang tree!  I finally went out to see why she was barking at the tree along with all the other dogs and this was staring back at me!

One word... Eww!
Finally I got her inside by suggesting a walk.  Go figure a walk out-weighed peanut butter and sausage and any other goodie she gets when we really need her attention!

Well let's hope the next blog will be a Baby Story!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Over It...

So I think I'm officially over being pregnant... don't get me wrong I haven't had a bad or uncomfortable pregnancy by any means.  In fact I've had a really easy pregnancy - or at least I think it has been.  To be honest, I just want meet this little man growing inside of me!!!

Our friends Mitch and Erin were (key word:) due 2 days AFTER us, but they went to the hospital on Monday morning and had a baby boy that evening!  I'm so happy for them (and a bit jealous too ;).  They didn't find out what they were having, so it was extra exciting waiting to hear!  They named him Talon Craig Tegtmeier and I think he looks just like his dad!  They also broke the Eudora teacher spell.  Nearly every teacher that lives in Eudora and teaches in Eudora have a or all girls.  No joke.  The ones that have boys lived outside of Eudora when they they got pregnant or taught in a different district.  So when Talon and our little guy start school they are going to be severely out numbered!

Here is a pic from today at 39.5 weeks!!  Again not the best picture - I had to reach up and over my tablet in order to not block the camera.  But you get the idea, this belly is FULL!!

Sunday during church Nathan asked me how I was feeling and I told him I felt really good in fact I had so much energy, I was ready to go!!  He looked at me bewildered and said, "Oh no, that means it's coming!"  I just laughed and secretly hoped he was right:)  Monday I took the afternoon off and got SO MUCH DONE!!  I can officially say the baby's room is 100% done, the house is clean and all bags are packed now if only the contractions would start!  Here is a picture of the last project that I finished.  I think it turned out pretty nice!

We took a poll and everyone picked a day that they thought it might happen.  Nathan picked the 4th, so he is out, I picked tomorrow, so hopefully he's workin' with momma and I'll be right!  Only time will tell!  I'll keep you posted :)