Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mysterious Bites

I went to make a sandwich at lunch and found this...

I'm going to assume the culprit is this guy...

He LOVES bread, he will literally just sit down and eat half a loaf of bread with no butter, PB, jelly, etc - just plain dry bread.  Weird-O.  Anyways, I should just be thankful he left some behind for me!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Dexter

First Off, Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband!  He is now officially closer to 30 than he is to 20 (his words!)  His parents were so nice and went to Grandview, MO to pick up his present since A) We don't have a vehicle that carries large objects or a trailer for that matter & B) I can't drive stick shift (their vehicle that can pull a trailer!)

Since we got our house, he has been very enthusiastic about finishing the basement and putting a ping pong table down there.  I just so happened to find a KILLER deal on a brand new table, so TA-DA...
Notice how alert Miss Bailey is - her new favorite game is to try to catch the ball as it flies by her face.  Or she will crawl under the table and stand there until you look for her - what a spaz!
He also got some Star Wars items...
Star Wars Mad Libs
Star Wars Pancake molds!  Saturday morning activity!
 Unfortunately we were both pretty busy today, so we didn't really get to see each other or celebrate the Bday today.  Monday he took off work and went on the first 'Disc Golf Tour' of Season 4.  (For those of you who don't know, he is a HUGE Disc Golf fan, in fact, they make shirts hence the 'Season 4' comment).  Then today after school it was nice out, so he got to go play again. 
I didn't get home until late tonight, so we compromised and had his B-Day Dinner last night.  Every year I make whatever he requests for his b-day dinner.  This year it was The Dexter.  In the last year, we have really gotten into the show Dexter on Showtime.  It is about a Forensic Crime Scene guy who is also a serial killer - but he only kills the bad guys who are true criminals and he always does his research first to make sure he has the right guy.  (That sounds SO weird when you say it out loud - but I promise it is a REALLY good show!)  Anyways, the intro of the show goes through Dexter's morning routine of cooking/eating breakfast and getting ready: 
We added blueberry waffles because they are our fav - definitely think they should add waffles to the Dexter breakfast!

To end the B-day week, we are heading to Skate World in KC on Saturday.  Then we'll head to Randine's (SIL) to watch the KU game in the theater at her apartment complex!  Can't wait!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

MMmmmmmm Good!

It is hard to believe it is ONLY Wednesday!  I've been super busy at work and I am just physically exhausted!  Welcome to the real world!
So Nathan took me on a winery tour for my B-Day this year.  Neither of us thought we liked red wine before this tour, but we learned a few tricks and are slowly becoming wino's :).  A few weeks ago, we went to a friends house and we were introduced to this...

For just under $20 you can get 4 bottles of wine in a box, that's right 4 boxes and it actually tastes good too!  So my plans for the evening:  Another glass of wine, a little TV and off to bed!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Week = SUCCESS!!

I have officially completed my first week as a fully official chiro!  Thursday afternoon the main doc had to take his wife to the ER for severe stomach cramps, so myself and Dr. Dustin (the other new guy) got to cover his patient load for the afternoon.  Thankfully, she was just fine, so I don't feel bad about enjoying the afternoon!  It was a great practice run as they will be going on vacay in March and Dr. Dustin and I will again be covering his patient load.  All in all, I ended up seeing 10 patients last week - which is WAY more than I could have imagined my first week considering Monday morning I didn't have anyone lined up for the week!  It is definitely taking off and I feel so incredibly blessed!

Nathan also had a very exciting week - he found out he is being honored as the Teacher of the Month for February (which is also his b-day month!)  This week his is presenting at his Alma mater, Emporia, for a teaching seminar!  Then on Friday he is teaching 3 sessions on video stuff to his peers at Eudora High School during in-service.  In other words, we won't have a lot of face to face time this week - boo - but that's life!

Miss Bailey however had some serious attitude issues this week.  I think it is because she missed me so much - but realistically it was probably because she wasn't able to outside or have someone to play with her at any given moment!
Monday Night
No Picture b/c I was too busy yelling...
Tuesday Night - I love you mom & missed you so much :)
Wednesday Night - see what I did all day!
Thursday Night... Yep I did that - no big deal
Friday Afternoon
So as you can see, she got better as the week went on, but we had some serious heart to hearts last week!

Miss Sweetheart turned One on V-Day.  She got some new toys and another candy-cane shaped raw-hide (yes I bought two after Christmas - don't judge they were 1/2 price).  I was planning on being super cool and making a special treat from chicken liver - apparently dogs like that kind of thing - but that seemed like a lot of work for a Monday night, so maybe this weekend!

Can't wait to see what this week will bring!  I hope everyone had a great V-Day despite the hawks TERRIBLE performance last night!  Congrats to the Cats, they totally deserved that W.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day #5

Today we woke up to a Winter Wonderland... too bad I'm SO over snow!  We bundled up first thing and headed out to shovel our drive. 

This task quickly became 'Clear the Neighborhood!'  We got half way through ours and a neighbor got stuck, so we dug her out and sent her on her way.  Then we proceeded to finish our drive and 4 more driveways!  So today we were very productive AND we burned (according to my app on my phone) around 1000 calories!  Once we got back inside, the doorbell rang and it was our neighbor Loma with made-from-scratch Chicken Noodle Soup!  So I'm currently making mashed taters to go along with our noodle soup!  Yumm-O!
(This is proof that is was WAY yummy since I forgot devoured it before I could take a pic!)

REALLY!?!?  Husband just got another phone call... NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, that would be #6 if you're counting!  Not really sure why there's no school, as we were out and about today and got around fairly well.  We'll take it though!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day #4

Snow day #4 was called last night for the husband. I don't remember getting snow days so easily as a kid! We always got the delayed starting time, but getting an actual snow day was harder to come by and when we did get one it was rarely called e night before! Please don't think I'm complaining about the snow days b/c I'm TOTALLY enjoying the extra days with the husband before I start working on MONDAY!!!! (eeekkkkk!) That's right folks, starting Monday the 7th of February, Robinson Chiropractic will officially be open for business! Some of the progress from the last few weeks...
Diploma officially up on the wall...
(It's been sitting on the table still wrapped up for the last 2 weeks, oops!)

Name is on the building

Name is on the front door

I also ordered a walk-ins welcome sign to put out front!  I've worked really hard the last 4 years can't believe the big day is finally here!

In other Snow Day #4 news, this picture gives you an idea of what's going on outside...
There should be 2 steps down but all you see is snow!

And this is what happens every time Miss Bailey comes back in from her potty breaks
Unfortunately this pic DOES NOT EVEN do it justice! 
 Scenario: I open the door, Bailey sprints in the house trailing the snow from the back door to the front door.  She stops to look back at me as I yell scream politely tell her to slow down and then she sprints around the house taking out anything/anyone in her way.
 Did you catch the special effects... yeah those come standard with  my awesome camera 
(Please note there is A LOT of sarcasm with that statement!)
Once this spurt of energy wears off, she collapses in the middle of the living room only to wake again in an hour to do it all again... She makes our life interesting :)

This just in... Snow Day #5 called for tomorrow! I hope everyone that has to get out tomorrow is safe, I'm going to enjoy probably my last snow day ever... Sad :(