Monday, August 19, 2013

9 Months

Here are the 9 Months pictures.  Each month is becomes a little more difficult to get these done!

Miss B made a surprise appearance

We actually got several good shots this time, the following however are how our photo sessions typically go as of lately!


Here are some other pictures of little man that we took this weekend...
Reid's favorite breakfast - blueberries and oatmeal with cinnamon
Practicing with a spoon - do we have a lefty on our hands??

Get in my belly!

Lastly here is the finished product of the pole that was once just an ugly metal post...

 I am IN LOVE with this!  We were originally going to pain it but once he got ti up I really liked all the knots in the wood and was able to convince the Husband to stain yet one more thing!  SO SO glad he caved and agreed to stain it - adds so much to the basement!

Friday, August 16, 2013

A month in pictures...

So I have beyond failed at this whole blogging thing this summer!  Here is the last month (give or take) of our lives in pictures - AKA picture overload!
We'll start with 8 month pictures since he was 9 months yesterday... my bad

Those were the good pictures - here is what 90% of the pictures looked like

Then we spent some time in the backyard pool until Miss B DESTROYED OUR FUN - aka shredded the kiddie pool :(

She looks so innocent!

We headed back to GB for the Husband's 10 Year HS Reunion and got to ride on the float!

Went swimming with Grammie at my second home Club West

Grandpa made some DELICIOUS ribs with his new grill!

Yeah I'm eating ribs, it's no big deal... whatev

Reid cast some spells on our way to back home

Got home and unpacked

Then we went to Wichita to see Mr. Parker and Miss Brooke.  I'm so mad that this is the only picture I have of all 3 babies together - it isn't even a close up!

We had breakfast at the airport and got to see the planes up close!

Daddy quickly decided that their toys were WAY cooler than ours

Miss Brooke snuggling up with momma

Parker playin it cool on the deck

Reid and Mr Creeper

Our last morning they played so well together before we took off!

We got Braum's in Emporia - SO GOOD

Worked on the basement  - getting so close

Had our last pool day

The gang minus about 3-4 babies

Went to the fair - he was about as thrilled as his dad

Mr Reid had his first Kid's Meal at Chick-fil-A

Worked on the basement some more - in fact we are basically done!  We ordered flooring on Monday night - can't wait!!!

Took B on a walk

Played our little hearts out

These were all from my cell phone, I can't find my big girl camera but once I do I have a sneaky suspicion that there will be another photo dump blog in your future!