Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Our New Game

So little man is was 2 months on the 15th - yes I know that was two whole weeks ago!  I'll make up for it with lots of pictures... Oh wait I'm terrible at taking pictures too :(  Our second child has no hope for having any baby pictures at this rate...  Here are the few pictures I do have from the last few weeks and a little video to tie you over until next time!

I LOVE my momma!

Whatcha doin?

You want me to what?...

Just hangin' with my friends

I love all my friends Aunt Carol!

Me and my big sis - she's not too sure about me though...

 A little closer - someday I will ride her!

 Cheering on the Hawks!!

Computing with dad

Roll Over, Roll Over...  I have that song stuck in my head!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

It's me again...

So I have to confess, the last two posts have been forged.  The Husband apparently thinks I've been slacking on my blogging duties as of late.  There may out may not be a TINY bit of truth to that...  The Husband really poured on the velveeta while he wrote these blogs, apparently I'm cheesy when I write?!?!  

Anywho... We have been having so much fun with Baby Reid.  I still have moments when I have to pinch myself because I can't believe we are parents!  Can you believe he is already 2 months old?!  It's definitely hard for me to believe!  He is a really good baby though, full of smiles!  Even when the Husband brings Little Man to me in the middle of the night I get a big toothless grin - which totally melts my heart!  In the last week I feel like he has 'grown up' so much - Wednesday night he slept through the night for the first time and Tuesday night he rolled over from front to back.  He had been trying this for a while now but kept getting stuck on his side, so it was quite the surprise when he got himself all the way over.  Also his new favorite thing is to stand and bounce on your lap.  I seriously need to find one of those doorway jumpers! 

Last week was my last full week with Little Man at work.  He starts daycare part time TOMORROW!!  I was feeling okay about this until last night.  The Husband and I agreed that once he slept through the night we would move him to his own room.  Well that just ain't happenin'!  He had some congestion this week, so I decided we should keep him in our room until that was over so that I could get to him quickly if needed.  So last night he was doing a lot better and the Husband was ready to move him out.  I however, just started bawling when he suggested we move him... Not really sure why but I did, then I started thinking about this coming week and it just made it worse!  So apparently I'm not doing as well as I thought with this whole 'letting go' thing!  Deep down I know he is going to do fine. Sharon is a very nice lady and I know Reid is going to come to love her.  I think the hardest part is that she doesn't know all his little quirks like I do and I hate hearing him cry!  I just have to keep telling myself it will all be okay, he has to grow up sometime :(  Here are some fun pictures from the last few weeks!

Chilling' in my ride
  Hanging with mom at work
 Happy New Year !
  My happy boy
 Snoozing with dad
Family pic
One month photo shoot

 I'm really hungry and wish she would put down that camera!
 And we're done!

Finally I'll leave you with one of our first family portraits...
The second day we were home from the hospital we had had a rough night so Reid ended up in bed with us.  When I woke to go to the bathroom this is what I saw so I quietly but quickly set up the tripod and climbed back into bed.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Baby's First Bath!

I'm a little late on this one but better late then never. When we took Reid home from the hospital we gave him his first bath at home and took some video. Since giving him his first bath he has really grown to like the water. Maybe he will be a swimmer like his mom! Enjoy your Friday!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas Break

Baby Reid is now 7 weeks old and has had a very eventful first month and half of life. When your born right before the holiday season you tend to get a lot of face requests. Before I get into the holiday events check out this picture first. We title it "A Family That Swaddles Together Stays Together". Reid was about 2-3 weeks old when we took this picture.

For thanksgiving we went to my aunt Carol's in KC and Reid got to meet the family for the first time. We had a great weekend and we were starting to get the hang of the new guy in our lives. Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving. 

I went back to work three weeks after I had Reid so that partially explains why I haven't wrote in a while. My mom came up for the weekend before Nathan's Christmas break and she definitely enjoyed her time with the new grandson. Here are some pictures from time at home and christmas.

Nathan has a hard time staying up late and with the baby he was pretty tired. 

Miss B has been warming up to Reid more lately but at first she didn't know what to think about him.

There are 5 generations in this picture! Wow! Those horses look like they are running into my mom's head.

He's so cute!!

He loves taking bath's and usually gets close to falling asleep. 

The picture in the background is what we made for both of our parents this year for their Christmas present. Nathan is really proud of it because he took the photos, edited in Photoshop, did the layout in InDesign, and printed on the school printing press. Looks like teaching all those computer classes have paid off!

Sarah and Jodi came to the shower and it was really nice to see both of them. Everyone is doing well and it was just great catching up.

My child of a husband participating in a nerf war with a tooled out cutoff and girl headband. Look out Reid!

Happy 22nd birthday Jared! Your present is on it's way. When I say on it's way I mean I have to go get you something and send it to you. Any ideas on what you want?

Reid is kinda a pre-madonna. He likes to look at himself in the mirror. 

Since being back from my parents house I have been working and Nathan is staying at home with Reid. I haven't received any "how do I?" calls yet while being at work so everything must be going well. He is becoming quite the homemaker with all the cleaning, laundry, and meals! The third week in January Reid will start with part time daycare (all she can do until march) so we have devised a plan until full time is available. Nathan's mom and sister will be helping us out with watching Reid and Nathan will be taking some days off from school as well until the full time can start. Other than that things are going really well and we look forward to starting a new year together (we discussed this on new years and we have been together for the last 12 new year's!) with our new roommate!!