Thursday, September 20, 2012

Long Time, No Blog

I've been a very, VERY bad blogger this summer!
You're all thinking it.
I'm just going to blame it on this baby growing hobby I've taken up this year. :)
Speaking of baby, I have to say I'm liking this baby growing business.  It's kinda fun!  Currently he is around 3.75 lbs and about 17 inches long at 33 weeks.  Yeah I said 33 weeks - aka 7 weeks left - aka 52 DAYS left!  Yikes we better get a move on the nursery!!  Oh and picking out a name!  Who knew it could be so hard to name a kiddo?!  As many of you know we had a name picked out 100% then we both started to waiver in our confidence of that name, so we're back to a list of names.  Honestly I don't think we will decide until he is born we can't name him Fred if he looks like a Bob! (No these names have not made our list).  Anyways, this is the latest pic I've taken of the bump :)

For the rest of this blog I'm going to update you what we've done basically all summer long in pictures - so much easier/quicker/more entertaining than words ;)

We went to a baby shower for our friends Tim & Kelsie in Wichita

Chuy was quite the overseer while we decorated:)

Tiff did such a great job of decorating for the shower the theme was SO cute!  She also did a great job of keeping a GIANT secret!!  She and Josh are expecting as well!  She was so sneaky asking me questions about what I can/can't eat or do.  Well played Tiff, well played!  :)
PS I HATE this picture!  I look like a whale!  You'd think I was the one who was 31 weeks preggo here not Miss Kelsie!  Mr Parker has since arrived and is 4 weeks old now, this just tells you how far behind I really am with my blogging!!

Miss B and I went to the dog park several times and met some new friends and shared some popsicles...

 Sorry for the blurry pics, she was really enjoying those popsicles :)

She made many of her 'famous' forts - this one was particularly impressive as I put a chair on the bed trying to block her fortress building skills.  She apparently took this as a challenge as she made not one but 2 forts - one on each side of the chair.  
Bravo B, bravo...

Found a GINORMOUS spider (thankfully already dead) on the back porch
Gave you a side by side comparsion to show you just how big the body was.  EWW!
Went to the Pooch Plunge in Eudora and met a new friend Mr. Max (he's a Dane too!!)
 The Husband and I were more interested in Max than B was neither of the were real interested in this whole swimming thing...
 So sweet :)
 While others were busy learning to swim...
Don't be fooled this is NOT Miss B - see below!
 B was clinging to the side for dear life!  She did however fall in right after this picture was taken.  I watched the entire thing happen in slow-mo and still can't figure out quite how it happened.  One second she was cautiously sniffing the water and the next all I saw was her butt as she dove in.  Of course this was deeper part of the pool, so she could touch if she was on her hind legs.  She quickly turned herself around and started clawing her way out of the pool but couldn't quite get out so the Husband jumped to the rescue - what a nice guy!  The look of shear terror and disbelief on her face still makes me chuckle a bit.  As I looked back at her in my own disbelief I didn't act fast enough to get a picture so you'll have to use your imagination!

 This is what became of my 'paradise' one too many times this summer.  I came home one day to the husband 'cleaning' it for me - or so I thought.  In reality,  he was cleaning it to put it away for the season :(  Turns out it was probably a good idea cause I was getting tired of cleaning it myself!

So in a nut shell this is what we've been up to lately.  Hopefully you are all having a great week!  I promise to TRY to be better about blogging during my last 7 weeks of growing this little human!