Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Old Man

The Husband turned 2-7 on Thursday!  We had quite the week of celebration!  Wednesday we went to KC and met up with Randine and Tray for dinner at BRGR - Oh my goodness!!  If you live in KC and haven't gone to BRGR, you should probably drop EVERYTHING and race there right now!  It was SUPER good!  After we headed to the Sprint Center to see none other than the Michael Jackson Circe-du-Soliel!  It was a lot of fun, but we were all a little disappointed with the lack of acrobatics.  Don't get me wrong there was lots of amazing dancing and acrobatics, but not near as much as you expect going to a Cire-du-Soliel show.  Regardless, it was a great night and I got to go to work a little late the next morning so I wasn't super tired!

On his B-Day I offered to make him food but he opted for going out for fried chicken - which was fine be my considering it was the end of the week and I'm usually exhausted by then!  He wanted KFC, but I talked him into trying a new place downtown called Oh Boy Chicken.  The catch is there are 3 restraunts in one...  Vietnamese, Fried Chicken and Seafood - how can you go wrong?!  It turned out to be really good - super juicy and really good flavor!  The sides however left a little to be desired.  The Husband thought we should get Oh Boy Chicken and KFC Sides next time.  After dinner we went home and immediately passed out on the couch.

The biggest celebration was on Saturday.  First we got to see the Jayhawks kick some Tiger-butt!!  That was AwEsOmE!  Then we headed to KC again but this time to Skate World.  Yep, we had so much fun acting like kids last year that we decided to repeat!  We had a group of about 12 people, but for some reason I could only catch Tray and Randine as they whizzed by!

 This ones my fav!

If you look really closely you can see the Husband partaking in Limbo!

It was fun and poor Husband was the only one that really wiped out.  In fact, he kinda beat himself up!  First during the backwards skate he feel right on the tuckus!  Thankfully he landed a little off midline as he has already cracked his tailbone once!  It definitely took him a few minutes to get up after that one, but he was NOT done skating!  Then later in the night he ran over his own thumb trying to weave in and out of all the little kids.  I'm still not quite sure how this happened, but he definitely strained it!  Today he is doing much better, in fact we've begun taking down the sheet rock and chipping out the tile in the basement!  It's amazing how fast demolition goes!

B did a whole lot-a this today...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hope you all had a great V-Day!
I spent all day - no LITERALLY ALL DAY - making these pinterest inspired crafts!  I decided to make my own rosette's from ribbon and OH-MAN was that a bad decision!
10 hours later... this is the semi-finished project.  Next year it will have two smaller hearts and it will say Welcome at the top.  But it got the message across for this year!

Apparently I've got a thing for pillows as I made two more Holiday-themed pillows...

 We also got to celebrate Miss B turning 2!  I know she is just a dog, but she is our dog-child :)!
We She started  spent the day doing a whole lotta this...

 I think someone just added FOOD to my bowl!!!

She got a special breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Regular food then...Chicken and nanners her FAVORITE!!

This is an OUTRAGE!  You are making me WAIT ON MY BIRTHDAY!?!?!?  I can hardly sit still!
 She also got peanut butter for snack time, but I forgot to take a picture.  Her present is coming, just haven't gotten to the store yet!  It's called a Lickity-Stick.  Looks like roll on deodorant but it has chicken broth in it.  It's supposed to be really good for training - Training? you ask - I thought she was two, should she be trained by now??  Yeah that's what we thought, but she had other plans.  Her latest 'trick' is to go outside and bark at the tree, the sky, the dirt, a rock... pretty much anything and when you call her to come back in she just gives you a blank stare then goes right back to barking and ignoring you.  It is really REALLY frustrating!!  So I'm hoping the Lickity-Stick will give her incentive to come when we say Come again!

Monday night the Hubs was in cahoots with our Office Manager trying to get me out of the office so he could bring in some V-Day flowers.  Well I just so happened to look out the window at the exact moment he drove by and spotted him.  So I went to the front door to look out meanwhile Ronda had just given him the go ahead to come in really fast, then  she walked out to the lobby to find me.  So she quickly said Dr. Tom needed me and sent me back to his office while texting the Husband to RETREAT, RETREAT!  I though it was odd that everyone kept changing the subject when I said I think I just saw my husband drive by... that's weird.  But I shrugged it off and finally left to go home - only after the Husband sat in the parking lot for 45 min!  Such a trooper - Love Him! 
Other than that, our V-Day was nice a quiet as we HATE to fight the crowds!  We made Pioneer Woman's Tomato Cream Sauce Pasta - TO. DIE. FOR!  But then again what isn't absolutely amazing that this woman comes up with?!

We added some grilled chicken for the Hubs since he would probably wither up and die if he didn't get meat (LOTS of sarcasm with that statement!)

Have a great week!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I FINALLY finished my little project!  It turned out AWESOME!!

The only issue is that it is SUPER tall...  It was supposed to be a side table in the living room, but it kinda dwarf's the couch...

So then I put it by the bed as a night stand and it kinda does the same thing...

B wasn't really happy that I wanted her to move for a picture
So then it went to the kitchen as a plant stand in the corner...

 Which do you like?