Tuesday, November 29, 2011


As you know we headed to Goodland, KS and just so you know we did make it after 6.5 hours instead of 5.5 hours!  Once we got there, we didn't stop eating for the next 3 days!  Wednesday night was homemade pizza - YUMMY!!  On Turkey Day we woke up to Grandma's breakfast complete with strawberry jam, then for lunch we all headed to Aunt Sara's this year.  She has an awesome collection of Fiestaware - I got so many new ideas!  My Grandma & Grandpa are adding on to their house - by adding on I mean adding on another house!  This entire part is the new addition! - garage and FABULOUS new kitchen and a giant game room upstairs.  

Here is part (like a 3rd if that) of her cardboard kitchen Grandpa made so we could all move things around and figure out the best layout!
It is going to be AMAZING!!
Here are some pictures of the boys hard at work - they did some lighting/wiring work while we were there!

We also got to spend time with these cuties!
Miss Kaitlyn
 Miss Sheridan

Miss Sheridan could hardly hold still - she was so much fun though!
 She was lovin' her some Nathan - which is pretty histerical if you ask me considering this is the guy that's totally freaked out by kids!

 These two are my favs!

 They had fun together though!  Overall it was a great weekend - we are so very thankful for our families!  When we got back to Lawrence we picked up Miss B from the kennel and she did great!  She was VERY happy to see us and be home though!  After we got settled, we went and got a Christmas Tree on Saturday night.  I spent Sunday afternoon decorating the tree an the front porch... pictures to come!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


That's all we had to do. Get on. I70 and drive straight across Kansas until we got to Goodland, KS. No turns, no forks in the road, not even an intersection to stop at. Instead we somehow missed our exit after going around Topeka and spent an hour exploring the Eastern Kansas country side. Let me tell you there's not a lot there. We visited Dover and Eskridge, KS. Each had their Welcome to sign then 2 blocks later was the Thanks for visiting sign ...and that was it. In other words that extra hour detour was SOOOO worth it. (Read with extreme sarcasm ).

Monday, November 21, 2011

Craftivities Continued...

So I'm on a pillow streak lately...
Here are some new covers for the porch.  Just finished these yesterday and yes I'm aware that Thanksgiving is in  3 days.

 Then I finished these pillows for inside...

Lastly I'm working on finishing this pillow - for inside as well.  I wanted to finish it tonight, but my hand was cramping! :(

Saturday was SO nice!  We spent most of the day outside and running errands with Miss B.  We went for a walk on Mass Street and happened upon these characters.  The Husband LOVES StarWars, but he wouldn't get in line with all the little kids to get his picture.  He just made me take a few quick shots as we passed!

Miss B was lovin' the weather!  She was absolutely content hanging out the window all morning!

After her busy morning, she took a nap in the sun.

I left at this point to go to TWILIGHT!!!!!!  I'm such a 16 year old girl!!  I read the books after saying I would never read about vampires, but OMG they are SO good!  This movie was BY FAR my favorite one!! Definitely need to talk the Husband into going again next weekend!

Monday, November 14, 2011


This year for Thanks Giving we are headed out to Goodland to celebrate - which I'm super excited about!!  It's the fact that Miss B is going to be left behind at the kennel nonetheless, that is causing me to freak out a bit...  I know she is a dog and she will be fine, but I'm a Nervous Nelly!!  She's never been kenneled - not even for a night!  The only time we've left her behind she got to stay with Aunt Randine - who taught her to play cards :)  So this is kinda big deal... for me.  I keep having terrible dreams that she escaped and gets lost trying to find us.  That sounds pretty bad saying  writing it out loud!  Wouldn't you be sad leaving this Sweet Girl behind??

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daylight Craftivities

We woke up this morning with the best surprise ever!  It was Daylight Savings - I had completely forgotten about it!  So we slept in without loosing any extra day.  Unfortunately this means it will be getting dark around 5:30 now, but I did use the most of my extra hour today!  I sewed ALL DAY LONG!  We also watched two movies, cleaned house and had some friends over from church!  Remember way back when I got my sewing machine - the whole point of it was to make new pillows for our couch.  Well, last weekend I FINALLY found the right fabric and got started on my project!  I tackled the most detailed pillow first and this is how it turned out!

Hopefully this week I can finish up the rest of the pillows and maybe even make a new bed for this tired girl...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Maple Leaf Festival

3 Days in a Row - I'm settin the bare pretty high right now!
Again, I'm a little lot late on this post as it occurred about 3 weeks ago!
I went with Doris (MIL), Randine (SIL) and her BF's mom Johna to the Maple Leaf Festival a few weeks ago and there were so SO many new things I'm itching to tryout!  These were some of my favorites...
Shelves for house...  All made from old cabinet doors of some type!  My fav is the bottom left.

Babies... Yes Miss McKinley Finan that means you!

Holiday Decor...

Food...  These were DELICIOUS!!

I really like to people watch, this was too much to NOT share.
I love, like really REALLY Love my sweet Miss B, but you will NEVER see me go this far!  I mean come on I'll never find one big enough!  
Jokes, those are jokes!