Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Is that peanut butter I smell?!?!?!


 Ah that sweet nectar - SO GOOD

Nom, Nom, Nom...

 I think I'm going into a PB Coma...

Yes my mom is feeding me my favorite treat on a knife - don't judge - she might take it away


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Teenager!

Happy Birthday Jordan!
I can't believe this guy is officially a teenager - the big 1.3.  - headed to Middle School and all!

Those are some of my fav pics of the 'little' guy! (who is now MUCH taller than me)

Happy Birthday Brother - Love you!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Don't let that title confuse you. I in NO WAY competed in the IronMan this weekend - but I did volunteer in the Medical/Massage Tent! I was able to set up my table with another doc I graduated with on Saturday morning for the IronKids event. We saw a few kids then the rest of the day we treated the adults as they were checking in. We were under the tent all day, but I still have a stellar farmer's tan going on!

Sunday we set up our tables at 10:00 and started treating by 10:15. The line was NEVER ENDING!! We didn't stop treating until 4:30 that afternoon - it was great but man am I pooped! I love what I do, but this is how I'm feeling about work this week --

The other day we picked up this number from our neighbors curb!  We haven't gotten around to getting a table for the backyard to sit at, so this was the perfect opportunity.  I'm thinking about spray painting it something fun like turquoise or blue...  We'll see.  I'm also keeping my eye out for some iron chairs instead of our folding chairs that we are using currently. 

Our other neighbor is getting ready to rent his house, so he has been doing a bunch of yard work lately.  His backyard is full of some great plants but it is also full of weeds, so he decided to spray EVERYTHING with round up - aka murder all plants.  So we swept in and saved some day lilies for our front yard as well as ALL of the peonies from his yard.  I LOVE PEONIES!!!!  They were our wedding flower, so whenever I see them I get super excited!  
The peonies went to the backyard and the day lilies replaced the Fox-glove I planted out front earlier this year - since aparently they are poisonous... Thanks Home Depot, I'm puttin that one on you. 

The same neighbor is getting rid of a BUNCH of yard bricks, so we jumped on that and here is our next project for the front yard...

In other garden news, we've got lots of veggies growing!
Broccoli (we also had worms, but sprayed so hopefully they are all gone!)



The Husband was a busy bee while I was at the IronMan this morning as well.  He mowed and trimmed the trees and bushes... apparently this bush was talking back - as this is all that's left

He also found this in the corner...
Yes that is a snake skin - I don't do snakes.  This totally freaks me out and I'm super paranoid about going in the yard now.  Won't go without shoes, constantly watching where I'm stepping, anytime Miss B finds a stick to chew on I freak because I'm just sure it is a snake!  I'm sure it is just a gardner snake, but that still really grosses me out!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs Harris

Last weekend we packed up Miss B and head to GB to celebrate Anna & Dane's Wedding
It was a very, very warm afternoon - read mid-90's!  The wedding was sweet and quick - then on to the party!

Cutest little Flower Girl & Ring Bearer!

Gorgeous Bride... (sorry Dane I didn't have a good pic of the Handsome Groom!)

COOLEST guest book EVER!  Love, love, loved this idea - in fact I think we should get married again so we can do this!

Dane had a great groom's cake...

Cutting the Cake...

I got to see my Bestie Sarah

L-O-V-E-D her dress!!

They also had a photo booth set up in the back of the reception - great idea!!

 I have to explain this picture... We were in line to sign the Guest Book when the Husband spotted his High School math teacher.  The Husband was a little - Lot - CRAZY obnoxious in High School --> (Read we are little nervous about the future little Robinson's) At one point the Husband was down to his boxers during math class - just running around - to see what Mr. Maddy's reaction would be - like I said, we are a little nervous...  So, being a teacher now, one of the first things the Husband said to Mr. Maddy at the wedding was "I'm Sorry!!!"
We got to sit with them during dinner and re-live many more stories like the above.

Next was a dance off between all of the attendants to see who would be crowned 'Best Attendants' of the night...

We also got to see some of those moves you wouldn't believe from the Husband

Like I said before I'm not a great dancer, so Sarah took my spot so the Husband could get his groove on.

The Wedding was so much fun!  Congrats Anna & Dane!!
While in GB we also got to see the latest Boone Family Project :)
My parents have taken over my old bedroom and are currently converting my old bathroom to make an awesome Master Suite!  My dad has been working super hard and this is what is done so far -

Love the tile work - wanna come do our's next!?

He is also making the cabinets for the bathroom as well - lookin good!

After our whirl-wind weekend, we were all pretty tuckered out - but especially Miss B - this is how she slept most of the way home :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

4 Years...

First off, now that schools out, this is what I have to leave everyday to go to work.  Trust me it doesn't get any easier every day!

This is a little late!  Four years ago last Thursday - June 2nd - I married my best friend!  

As corny as it sounds, he completes me - 
I'm quiet, he is loud

I'm shy he is outgoing

I read books, he reads computer forums; I am short, he is tall

I eat granola, he eats Trix; I can't dance, he has moves like you wouldn't believe

he is everything I am not and I love him just the way he is :)

Thanks Husband for marrying me - I'm one lucky girl. 
I <3 U

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Disc Golf Tour

First off this is a second post in one day so make sure you look at the last post which Abby wrote.

Well I was officially done with school on the 24th with teacher workdays. So my friend Troy (who also teaches) decided to take a road trip to go play disc golf. In case those who don't know I really like disc golf. I have been playing for four years and just love it. Did a little bit of tournament play for a short period of time but Troy and I just really like going to find new courses and playing an insane amount of holes in a short time. So the day after school was out we packed up the car and headed down to Tulsa OK. By 10AM on Wednesday we were playing our first course. Long story short we played 6 courses that day in Tulsa. Tulsa has a large amount of courses and we pretty much covered the good ones. The following day we were up early again and by 10AM we were playing disc in Wichita. Only played three courses that day and stayed with Tim Ruble. Woke up the next day and played by 9AM in Emporia which was balling considering it is like the Mecca of disc golf in Kansas. All in all we played 198 holes which is 11 rounds in three days. It was ballin!! We have this group called 1005 pronounced (ten-oh-five) and we made a few videos about the trip. We have a youtube channel if you ever want to check it out. Only 2 videos posted so far but will be posting a few more in the next week once I edit the clips. Here is the highlight reel from our trip. Watch it in HD click the 360p drop down arrow in the bottom right of the video and change it to one of the HD versions. IT'S AWESOME!


I've been a very bad, inattentive blogger lately!!  I don't even have a great excuse for my absence!  Yes work has been busy (saw 50 patients last week!!!!), yes I've been super tired at night, but there haven't been any big projects or trips to interrupt my free time - so in other words I've just been flat out lazy :(
Yes she's sitting on my lap :)

I plan to be better though!  This weekend, we are headed back to the GB for a wedding - congrats Anna & Dane!  We had big plans of camping over Memorial Day, but the weather thought otherwise!  Sunday night was do-able, but we were to lazy to get out the camping gear, instead we visited our friends who did camp and ate some ouey-goey smores!

Then we did some spring cleaning and found lost treasures under the couches...

In other news, the garden is quickly recovering from the unknown creature.  My Gma gave me some pointers - so now there are milk jugs around all the plants so nothing can get to them - not as pretty but much more hardy!  (Can you find Miss B?)

We also have asparagus!  It grows C-R-A-Z-Y fast - Saturday:


 Oh and the Husband is done with school for the year! - I'm SUPER Jealous!  This is my first summer without a summer :(  The Husband is in his last free week though, next week he starts Driver's Ed in JC, so that should be interesting...